20 Ways to Eat Eggs on Weight Watchers

These 20 ways to eat eggs on Weight Watchers so you don't get bored will really assist you in getting out of an egg rut! Eggs are a  nutritious and low point option for WW. The problem is that eating the  same food over and over again can get old.

This is a protein packed food that also contains vitamins B2, D, B6, B12, selenium, zinc, iron and copper. Eggs are quick to cook and are available anywhere you go! This makes eating eggs on Weight Watchers easy especially if you are traveling.



If you are following the WW program then you know they like eggs! Eggs are low to no points depending on the plan you follow. The green plan counts 2 points for each egg. The blue and purple plan list eggs as zero point foods.

Easy Breakfast Casserole

Turkey Egg Wrap

Baked Breakfast Taquitos